3PL (Third party logistics)

Coordination between transport and supply and distribution centres, continuity of flows, modular storage solutions


The Third party Logistics or 3PL (Third Party Logistics) represents the outsourcing system, a model that has now become widely established throughout the world and which in Italy today constitutes approximately 42% of logistics activities, reaching a value of over 116 billion Euros.

Dalmine LS’s answer to a market that is becoming more and more established is a third-party logistics shelving system specifically designed for the needs of the sector. In fact, precise coordination between the transport network, supply and distribution centers, storage and picking processes is necessary to ensure an excellent logistics service to the final customer.

The study of a model of specific shelving for third party logistics is therefore essential for maintaining a high-performing, flexible, and well-organized supply chain. Thanks to these modular and galvanized shelving systems is possible to possibile to set up future expansions in storage solutions or integrations, ensuring the continuity of flows and preventing downtime in the warehouse.

Dalmine LS works closely with companies that provide third-party logistics services, enabling them to make the most of their warehouse space and optimize their investments, thereby achieving a tangible competitive advantage.


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